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The beautiful Spring Creek valley in Horsetooth Mountain Park, as seen from Towers Road.
I enjoy speed and movement, whether it be flying down the slopes on skis, feeling the wind in my face as I cycle, or thinking carefully about my next handhold as I climb up a challenging rock face. Since 2002, running has become my primary sport. Running has been an outlet for me to combine my love of the outdoors with my quest for self-improvement. Running has helped me believe in myself and to realize the value of setting and achieving goals. More importantly, running has helped me make many new friends. In 2003, I started a trail running group, the FortCollinsTrailRunners; as of March 2008, this group has 165 members.
I do several types of running: flatland running, trail running, and hill climbs (where the goal is vertical distance, not horizontal distance). I also do another type of running, which is fairly rare and specialized: extreme downhill running.
Explore the links below to find out more about these different types of running, my thoughts and feelings about each type, and my personal records. I've also added some helpful links and/or training tips regarding each of these types of running. Finally, check out What's New for my latest running news, race reports, and personal records.
Most notable PRs or news items are highlighted in green.
10/05/08 Today I won the inaugural Blue Sky Half Marathon with a time of 1:31:30. This broke my half marathon PR (old time of 1:33:42) and establishes the course record - pretty cool! Story link from the Colorado Runner.
10/03/08 Today I set the following PR's: 2 miles (0:12:05), 3 miles (0:18:23), 5 miles (0:31:40), 7 miles (0:45:28), 8 miles (0:52:36), and 10 miles (1:06:48)!
08/19/08 Today I set the following PR's: 2 miles (0:12:15), 4 miles (0:25:06), 5 miles (0:31:42), 10K (0:39:55), 7 miles (0:45:51), and 8 miles (0:53:41)! Now my 10K time is under 40 minutes!
08/14/08 Today I ran the Mountain Avenue Mile and set a life-time PR for the flat mile with a time of 0:04:51.9!
07/14/08 Today I ran the Barr Trail Mountain Race in 1:53:12, taking off about 9 minutes from last year's time. I came in as the 18th male, and 4th out of 26 in my age group (30-34). But most importantly, I ran the downhill in 0:39:07 - eventually I'd like to do the downhill in under 36 minutes.
07/06/08 Today I smashed the FKT for the Mill Creek Short Loop with a time of 1:11:51 (8.892 miles with 1900 vertical feet of gain). I logged a 0:04:42 mile coming down Towers Road (tieing my PR for the downhill mile) and broke my 2-mile downhill PR with a time of 0:10:02. The old FKT for the Mill Creek Short Loop was 1:15:56 set back on 09/17/07.
07/04/08 In today's Superior Downhill Mile, I ran a time of 0:04:43, just one second slower than my lifetime downhill mile PR set back on 03/28/08.
06/27/08 Today I destroyed the round-trip FKT for Towers Road with a time of 0:54:37. The old FKT of 1:02:09 was set by Dan Turk and Jonathan Vigh back on 10/08/06. My ascent of 0:36:10 and descent of 0:18:27 were not FKTs.
06/06/08 Today I ran down the Angel Fire Ski Hill from the towers to the base, dropping 1900 vertical feet in about 16 and a half minutes. This is a descent rate of 115 ft/min, or 6909 ft/hr, one of my best downhill runs ever.
05/26/08 Today I ran the Bolder Boulder 10K race with a time of 0:40:07. This handily broke my old 10K PR of 0:42:59 set back on 10/10/06. This also broke my 5-mile PR with a time of 0:32:30.
04/30/08 During a tempo run in Orlando, FL, I broke my 5-mile PR with a time of 0:33:13 (old time of 0:33:27 was set back on 10/18/07).
04/01/08 During today's FCTR tempo run, I broke my 7 and 8-mile PRs with a time of 0:46:28 and 0:53:56, respectively. My old PRs for these distances (0:47:50 and 0:54:44) were set back on 10/01/07.
03/28/08 Today I broke my PR for a downhill mile with a time of 0:04:42!! This was on Centennial Drive with about a 430 foot vertical drop. My old PR for the downhill mile of 0:05:13 was set back on 06/17/07 on Towers Road.
After I finishing off a great racing season last year, I decided that I will not run any more marathons (including Pikes Peak) until I've finished my PhD dissertation. Since that removes any real incentive to do 20+ mile training runs, I'll be focusing on speed (1-mile through 10K road races), downhills, and intermediate-length technical hill races. My key races for this year will be the Bolder Boulder, the Barr Mountain Trail Race, the Downhill Superior Mile, and the Wellsville Ridgewalk (where I'll be defending my first place status of last year).
To set the course record on the Wellsville Ridgewalk 14 mile trail race.
To run a 10K in < 0:39:00. Update: ran a 0:39:55 10K in August 2008.
To run a 5K in < 0:18:00. Update: ran a 5K in 0:19:17 in upstate NY in October 2007.
To run a flat 1 mile in < 0:04:40. Update: ran 4:52 for the 2008 Mountain Avenue Mile.
To run a downhill mile in < 0:04:20. Update: ran a 4:42 mile down Towers Road in July 2008.
To run < 1:57:00 in the Barr Mountain Trail Race. Update: ran a 1:53:12 in the 2008 Barr Mountain Trail Race.
To have lots of fun and be injury free!
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