Tropical Cyclones

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Tropical Cyclones

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Jonathan Vigh's Tropical Cyclone Page

DO NOT use the information on this page for life and death decisions. These pages are provided only as an information resource and are in no way meant to convey official storm information. Go to the NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER for all official storm information for the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific basins.

Links in green are pages or products that I have created and maintain.

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Operational Forecast Centers


National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center   bullet

Central Pacific Hurricane Center                                      bullet

Joint Typhoon Warning Center bullet

Canadian Hurricane Centre bullet

INSMET (Instituto de Meterología de la República de Cuba)    bullet

RSMC Tokyo bullet

Hong Kong Observatory bullet

WMO Severe Weather Information Centre     Use this site to get official warning information for any storm in the world bullet

List of all the RSMCs and Map of Their Areas of Responsibility

Tropical Text Products from the National Weather Service

Satellite Imagery


NRL Monterey Tropical Cyclone Homepage   bullet

RAMMB/CIRA Tropical Portal - satellite imagery, ocean heat content, intensity estimates, satellite-based wind field estimates, etc.  bullet

Tropical RAMSDIS Online    bullet

Digital Typhoon                         This is an interesting site for current and historic satellite info - utilizes visual and graphical data mining bullet

CIMSS Tropical Cyclones bullet

Objective Dvorak Technique for current storms bullet

QuikSCAT and SeaWinds Ocean Surface Wind Speeds (the 'manati' page) bullet

QuikSCAT Storm Page bullet

NRL QuikSCAT Basin Page bullet

TRMM Multiresource Page bullet

UW-CIMSS AMSU Homepage bullet

NOAA SSD Tropical Satellite Page bullet

Interactive Weather Satellite Imagery Viewers from NASA GHCC bullet

JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) Satellite Imagery bullet

MODIS Image Gallery of Recent Storms bullet

MESO Tropics Page        nice "catch-all" site with tropical updates by Brian McNoldy bullet

Tropical Sectors    (SST, satellite loops, surface winds and vorticity) bullet

Tropical Hovmollers bullet

SERVIR - The Mesoamerican Regional Visualization and Monitoring System

SST - Ocean Heat Potential - Maximum Potential Intensity


Sea Surface Temperatures bullet

Analyzed Operational SST Fields from NOAA/NESDIS (derived from satellite)    Contoured Fields    Anomalies bullet

SST from Climate Diagnostics Center (NOAA/CDC) Map Room bullet

Ocean Heat Potential bullet

Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential from NOAA/AOML bullet

Maximum Potential Intensity bullet

Maximum Potential Hurricane Intensity  - uses the Kerry Emanuel method, hosted at Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)

Surface Observations


NCAR Rap Weather Surface Observations bullet

NOAA Buoy Observations bullet

CO-OPS Storm Surge Live Web Site bullet

Tide Data Station Selector bullet

Ship Locations and Tracker        bullet

Current and archived (up to 30 days) METAR surface observations from

Aircraft Reconnaissance


NHC/TPC Aircraft Reconnaissance Page        Most recent vortex message bullet

NHC's Recon Archive (http version) - messages are sorted by storm, 1989 - last year bullet

NHC's Recon Archive (ftp version) - messages are sorted by time, 2001 - current year bullet

My mirror of the NHC recon archive     By using this mirror of NHC's recon archive, you can spare their server during busy times. My mirror updates every half hour. bullet

All vortex messages for a specific storm    I have created a script which automatically collects all the vortex messages for a given storm and puts them in one file       bullet

Eye to Eye     Photo galleries of some of the storms flown by the Hurricane Hunters horizontal rule

Real-time Trackers for Tropical Activity


Brian McNoldy's Real-time Tropical Activity Tracker (CSU)   

Real-time Model Guidance Plots


Jonathan Vigh's Model Guidance Page (CSU)                     Plots of the numerical model guidance: track and intensity for storms in the Atlantic and Pacific bullet

Model Guidance Plots from the South Florida Water Management District bullet

Model Guidance Plots from Kerry Emanuel (MIT) bullet

Model Guidance from the NWS Southern Regional Headquarters    Interactive tracker for Atlantic TCs, archive for 2005-2006

Model Forecast Fields


Experimental forecast Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Fields from Florida State University (old site from Penn State is here) bullet

NCEP Model Analyses and Forecasts bullet

HWRF fields (nested domain) bullet

NCEP/GFS Ensemble Forecasts of TC Tracks bullet

WRF-ARW Model Runs from NCAR bullet

Output from the Kilo-Ensemble (2001 - 2003)    This was an outcome of my Masters research at CSUhorizontal rule

Seasonal Outlooks - Real-time Tropical Climate Monitoring


Seasonal Forecast of Atlantic Hurricane Activity from Dr. William Gray's Tropical Meteorology Team bullet

NOAA Seasonal Atlantic Hurricane Outlook bullet

Atlantic Hurricane Potential Monitoring     an excellent site for monitoring current trends in the Atlantic -- from the NOAA's Climate Prediction Center bullet

Monthly/Seasonal Climate Composites from the Climate Diagnostics Center (NOAA) bullet

Time Series Plots of Climate Variables from the Climate Diagnostics Center (NOAA) bullet

TAO/Triton Data Display

Real-time Forecasts/Predictions of Tropical Cyclone Formation


Experimental Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability Product    from CIRA    Genesis Climatology bullet

Probability of a Tropical Cyclone Forming on any Given Day in the Next Two Weeks    Experimental research product based on analysis and analysis of forecasts of equatorial waves - produced by Paul Roundy, University of Albany horizontal rule

Tropical Cyclone Historical Information


Historical Track Maps and Climatology bullet

Unisys Tropical Cyclone Tracks      Historical tracks for tropical cyclones worldwide  bullet

Historical Hurricane Tracks               from the NOAA Coastal Services Center bullet

United States Landfalling Hurricane Probability Project    an interactive GIS-landfall page by Phillip Klotzbach bullet

Atlantic Basin Climatology                 Find out the probability of getting a named storm, hurricane, or intense hurricane near your location bullet

Estimated Hurricane Return Periods   Find out how often, on average, a given location can expect to be hit by hurricanes of various strengths bullet

National Climate Data Center's Worldwide TC Monitoring    Summaries and basin statistics for recent TC's in the various basins around the world bullet

Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclones bullet

Historical TC Best Tracks bullet

Australia (scroll down to other sources of data and information)    Graphical browser of past storms


Famous or Notable Landfalling Storms bullet

Hurricane History                                  A page on famous hurricanes from the National Hurricane Center's preparedness web site bullet

Summaries of Notable Hurricanes   from the National Climatic Data Center bullet

Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Data          Excellent resource showing the rainfall history of many U.S. landfallling hurricanes and tropical storms


Hurricane Records and Rankings


Lists of Tropical Cyclone Landfalls, ranked by intensity bullet

Chronological List of all U.S. Hurricane Landfalls (1851 - 2005)    maintained by Dr. Chris Landsea (NHC/HRD) bullet

New version which includes inland hurricane effects bullet

United States Major Hurricane Landfalls, ranked by Minimum Sea Level Pressure (MSLP)     (coming soon)


Jonathan Vigh's Portal to Most Intense Tropical Cyclones by Basin, ranked by MSLP bullet

North Atlantic - All Recorded Category 4 and 5 Hurricanes (1851 - Current)                 UPDATED 09/04/07 to add Hurricane Felix  bullet

Eastern North Pacific - All Recorded Category 4 and 5 Hurricanes (1945 - Current)         (coming soon)


Other lists of intense storms


Wikipedia's List of Most Intense Storms on Record (Globally) bullet

Wikipedia's List of All Category 5 Atlantic Hurricanes  (sorted chronologically, by date in season, and by minimum central pressure) bullet

Wikipedia's List of All Category 5 Eastern and Central Pacific Hurricanes bullet

HRD's list of all North Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes, ranked by windspeed                     last updated in 2003 bullet

HRD's list of all Eastern North Pacfic tropical storms and hurricanes, ranked by windspeed        last updated in 2003 horizontal rule


Other Tools and Resources


Wikipedia Tropical Cyclone Portal    This online encyclopedia is maintained by an enthusiastic user community and contains many articles about tropical cyclones and current and past storms. bullet

NTC Calculator                                     Calculate 'net tropical cyclone' activity, and compare to past seasons -- from Brian McNoldy's site bullet

Tropical Cyclone FAQ                         Extremely useful, informative, and expansive FAQ on hurricanes and tropical storms bullet

Hurricane satellite movies                  Some cool '3D' movies of hurricanes bullet

Story of a penetration into the eye of Hurricane Hugo    This is certainly one of the most harrowing flights ever made into a hurricane bullet

Global Guide to Tropical Cyclone Forecasting    A technical resource on TC forecasting, provided online at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre bullet

WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme Homepage    The United Nations World Meteorological Programme's effort for the global tropical cyclone problem bullet

WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme Publications bullet

Hurricane Watch Net    An amateur radio net to facilitate communications into and out of hurricane-affected areas

Hurricane Awareness and Preparedness


The National Hurricane Center's Preparedness Web Page    Extremely useful and informative -- several pages from this site are linked below since they are so useful bullet Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale            Find out the difference between a Category 1 storm and a Category 5 storm bullet Interactive SSHS from the Associated Press bulletCoastal Risk Atlas                                     From the NOAA National Coastal Data Development Center bullet

High Wind Risk Areas                              Find out how far inland the winds are likely to penetrate bullet

Track and Intensity Errors                      This page explains the size of the average track and intensity error and how this uncertainty relates to size of warning areas    horizontal rule

Recent Notable Landfalling Storms

I closely follow the Atlantic hurricane seasons, and to some extent tropical cyclones worldwide. For storms which end up having a large U.S. impact, I may write up a summary of the impacts or archive some of the raw surface obs. Or I may just provide some links to other interesting content specific to that storm such as satellite loops, radar loops, etc. The National Hurricane Center writes up excellent post-season storm summaries and a community-led encyclopedia called Wikipedia often has a treasure trove of interesting information about various storms.


Hurricanes of 2005 Summary Page         bullet

Hurricane Katrina       bullet

Hurricane Rita              bullet

Hurricane Wilma         


Hurricanes of 2004 Summary Page


Hurricane Alex             


Hurricane Charley        


Hurricane Frances       


Hurricane Ivan              


Hurricane Jeanne        

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