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Fellow Adventurers: Eric Sigler, Dan Turk, and Jotham Matabi
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In 2001, I climbed Longs as a birthday hike. Jotham came along as far as the Keyhole.
Ascent and descent via the Keyhole Route (Class 3)
Located in the ?? range ... previous climbs (and/or reports), interesting facts. Summarize the trip (backpack vs. day hike, training vs. social hike vs. serious mountaineering)
Give highlights?
This peak . . . interesting facts about the trip down and/or backpack in, camping, etc.
Details of the climb (if starting from backpacking)
Time on top, 14'er #, weather, interesting features, interesting people.
To get the full immersive experience, I've prepared a 360 degree panorama:
[Panoramic photo]
Click on the panorama to see the full size [size Kb].
Or you can view it interactively using this panorama viewer [size Mb -- warning, this will take a while to load on a modem connection].
If you have trouble viewing this file, you can also download this executable, save it to your desktop, then double-click on it to view the panorama. The executable file contains a viewer that should work regardless of your web browser.
From left to right, the main features are:
1. blah blah valley
[ Group Photo]
[ Crazy shot ]
[ Views of other peaks ]
I took a couple video clips which may be viewed using Windows Media Player. If using a modem, the broadband version will take very long, so a reduced-quality dial-up version is available:
Clip 1: Broadband [size Mb] or Dial-up [size Kb]
These files are in Windows Media Player format, so they should load automatically if you're on a Windows computer. There is no sound (in case you were expecting some).
With Jotham. We started at 5:30 AM, climbed 1700 in first hour, got to Mills Moraine in 1:06, got to Keyhole at 2:55, got to top in 3:59, spent 13 min on top, got back to Keyhole in 58 min, down to Boulder field by 1:22, did the last part (Mills Moraine to bottom) in 41 minutes (stopped to talk for a minute or two with the Logan's),
total time 7:02. From Boulder Field down to bottom in 1:27!
15.0 miles Took 4.0 hours to get to top, 2.8 hours to get down, average speed: 2.1 mph Total time: 7.03 hrs Vertical climb: 5000 feet
Weather: mostly sunny, few clouds, chilly and windy past Keyhole
Low 42
High 65
Winds 5-15, gusts 25
Option sections - history of peak, wildlife, route info and alternates, map, gear, food
Might try to include feelings, sounds, smells - other thoughts about life and mountains, goals, etc.
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