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Fellow adventurers: Eric Sigler, Mark Werner and several others, also met up with Ernie and Dave
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Ascent and descent via the Keyhole Route (Class 3)
I've climbed Longs Peak more than any other 14'ner, partly because it is so close to Fort Collins, and partly because it offers some of the most spectacular scenery and mountaineering in Colorado. As a mountain, Longs has the credentials: rising more than a vertical mile from the nearby valleys and 9000 feet above the plains, this mountain has it all -- a spectacular cliff face that soars upward for nearly 2000 feet, rushing streams and waterfalls, pristine mountain lakes, and semi-permanent snow fields (and even glaciers according to some researchers). It is no wonder that this is the most popular 14'ner.
Located in the ?? range ... previous climbs (and/or reports), interesting facts. Summarize the trip (backpack vs. day hike, training vs. social hike vs. serious mountaineering)
Give highlights?
This peak . . . interesting facts about the trip down and/or backpack in, camping, etc.
Details of the climb (if starting from backpacking)
Time on top, 14'er #, weather, interesting features, interesting people.
To get the full immersive experience, I've prepared a 360 degree panorama:
[Panoramic photo]
Click on the panorama to see the full size [size Kb].
Or you can view it interactively using this panorama viewer [size Mb -- warning, this will take a while to load on a modem connection].
If you have trouble viewing this file, you can also download this executable, save it to your desktop, then double-click on it to view the panorama. The executable file contains a viewer that should work regardless of your web browser.
From left to right, the main features are:
1. blah blah valley
[ Group Photo]
[ Crazy shot ]
[ Views of other peaks ]
I took a couple video clips which may be viewed using Windows Media Player. If using a modem, the broadband version will take very long, so a reduced-quality dial-up version is available:
Clip 1: Broadband [size Mb] or Dial-up [size Kb]
These files are in Windows Media Player format, so they should load automatically if you're on a Windows computer. There is no sound (in case you were expecting some).
Option sections - history of peak, wildlife, route info and alternates, map, gear, food
Might try to include feelings, sounds, smells - other thoughts about life and mountains, goals, etc.
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