Global Climate Change

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Global Climate Change

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Welcome to the section of my blog which deals with global climate change. Since my work is in the atmospheric sciences (specifically hurricane structure and dynamics), friends and family often ask my opinion on global warming. They typically ask questions such as "Is global warming real?", "What will the effects of global warming be?", "Is global warming making hurricanes worse?", and "What should we do to stop global warming?". While I do not claim to have all the answers and freely admit that this isn't my area of specialty, I do have a keen interest in the topics of climate change, climate variability, and climate dynamics. When time permits, I do enjoy reading up on some of the recent literature on these topics, so I can probably safely claim to be have an awareness which is at least above the national average :)  I will share some thoughts and viewpoints on the subject in this section of my blog. 

Personal Position Statement on Global Climate Change      (posted November ??, 2006 by Jonathan Vigh)


Significant Reports about Global Climate Change

Oct 30, 2006 | Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change | Independent Review Commissioned by the United Kingdom HM Department of Treasury

Climate Change Science

US Climate Change Science Program           A federal program integrating scientific research on global change and climate change

Climate Science Blogs and Forums

Prometheus, the Science Policy Weblog    A blog by Roger Pielke, Jr. and others, the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado at Boulder

Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group Weblog

RealClimate » Climate Science    A Blog/Forum by climate scientists discussing climate science

Science and Politics of Global Climate Change Blog old blog site    A blog by Andrew Dessler, Associate Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University

Hurricane Climate Blog    A blog related to the issue of hurricane activity and global climate change, by Dr. James Elsner and Dr. Tom Jagger

Alternative Viewpoints and Media Coverage on Global Climate Change

The mainstream view presented in the media is that there is a widespread consensus among scientists that global warming is caused by greenhouse gas emissions and that this problem poses a grave danger in the not-to-distant future. This view is nearly ubiquitous in daily media coverage, but there are other viewpoints as well. In this section I will post some of the articles or opinion pieces which break from the mainstream view. I will give the disclaimer that many such 'skeptical' viewpoints also twist the science, just as the global warming alarmists do. It can be a fun (or futile, depending on your temperament and interest) exercise to try to figure out where they are misrepresenting the state of knowledge.

Nov 5, 2006 | Sunday Telegraph | Climate chaos? Don't believe it | Opinion by Christopher Monckton    Analysis by a 'climate realist' urges skepticism of the Stearn Report (includes 40 page notes and calculations supplement)    Read the rebuttal

Oct 30, 2006 | Sunday Telegraph | The temperature is as likely to go down as up | Opinion by Richard Lindzen    A global warming skeptic speaks up

Jun 29, 2006 | Denver Westword | The Skeptic - Celebrated and Shunned, CSU's Bill Gray is taking heat in the global warming debate | Alan Prendergast    Here's an interesting article about Dr. Bill Gray and the current debate over whether global warming is leading to worse hurricanes 

May 17, 2005 | Economics, Climate Change Issues and Global Salvationism | National Post | Benny Peiser  Related materials: Critique of Oreseks' Paper Claiming Widespread Consensus    Data related to Oreseks' Abstracts Controversy  

Oct 9, 1997 | Denver Westword | Global Warming - What do you get when greenhouse gases inspire greenhouse guesses? A heated argument but not much scientific agreement | Steve Jackson    Interesting and lengthy article about the state of the global warming controversy in 1997

Climate Change Mitigation

Carbon Mitigation Initiative                           A research organization at Princeton University which is studying ways to solve the global warming problem

Solving Climate Change by Wedges of Reduction Using Current Technologies | Carbon Mitigation Initiative | Princeton University

US Climate Change Technology Program    A federal program integrating research on climate mitigation technologies

Sep 21, 2006 | "Climate Change Technology Research: Do We Need a 'Manhatten Project' for the Environment?" | U.S. House hearings



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